WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?: Overcoming the Spirit of Identity Theft, by Kristen Smeltzer

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If we don't believe the truth of who God  is, how can we believe the truth of who  we  are, as people created in His image? We can’t. 

Today we face attacks on our identity like never before. Life struggles and traumas tempt us to become offended with God and buy into the enemy’s lies that He is not the good, loving and all-powerful Father He says He is. As a result, we believe lies about ourselves. These lies wreak havoc in our lives—and on our minds. Through the author’s raw testimony, you will discover: 

How to move past offenses toward God and rediscover His goodness

• How your greatest trials can reveal God’s redemptive plans for your life

• How to overcome spiritual warfare on your identity with a specific Biblical strategy 

• Keys to understanding your God-given design,  destiny  and calling

Includes a guide for application, a devotional, and powerful scriptures to recover and establish your true identity. 

Be inspired to believe afresh in God's extravagant love and discover who He says you are!  



I love stories. Books with true stories are extra special because they are usually written after the trauma has run its course, ending with a lesson learned and/or a redemptive conclusion. Perhaps it’s because looking back always adds a perspective that is hard to find in the middle of the experience. Jesus often taught in parables because stories are the easiest way to learn a truth. This is just that, yet so much more. Who Do You Say I Am? is a story of a very rough journey, first in dealing with the thief (identity theft) and then into a profound discovery of our identity in Christ. The victory recorded is worth the price of the book. But perhaps the greatest treasure found on these pages is that the author, Kristen Smeltzer, gives us a road map that will absolutely benefit every reader by leading us into a greater place of strength in the Lord. Read it, and I’m sure you will pass it on to others. It is that good.

Bill Johnson
Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Author of Strengthen Yourself in the Lord and God is Good


An amazing work that will have an endless effect, this testimony of God’s love and faithfulness during times of trial and darkness will change lives. Kristen Smeltzer instills fresh hope in the God who delivers His people out of the darkness and into His marvelous light, and who is continually preparing a future for us beyond what we could ask or think. 

 Cal Pierce
Director, Healing Rooms Ministries


Kristen Smeltzer tells the story, frankly and honestly, of the spiritual and emotional warfare she and her husband, Richard, were forced to fight for the freedom and restoration of their son, Zachary. … This is a testimony of hope, so badly needed by so many. …Kristen writes to encourage all to defend their (and their children’s) identity in Christ because that is truly where the warfare is for today’s generation. We all need to hear Kristen’s testimony of how to walk through our offenses with God and overcome such an attack on our identity.  I encourage all to let the warfare for Zachary David warn and inform you. Buy the book, put it to work—and give it away.

John Loren Sandford
Co-Founder of Elijah House, Inc.
and Best-Selling Author of Transformation of the Inner Man


Who Do You Say I AM? is God’s secret weapon! I found myself holding my breath as I turned the page. The strategies contained in this book are applicable to so many areas and seasons of our lives, not just the ones Kristen has so transparently and courageously written about. The contents will not only inform you, but empower you to come through victorious. I have already added the strategies Kristen Smeltzer presents to my spiritual arsenal. I recommend that everyone read this book. I will definitely pass it on!

Chris Anthony-Lansdowne
Host of Adventures in Odyssey, Focus on the Family


I too have been one who has sat in front of “Zachary,” staring into his eyes, trying my best to offer a glimpse of hope. This man was my husband, who in his mind, felt like he was never going to get free from the pain and torment. The good news is that our God is so good and He only wants the best for each of His kids. Kristen Smeltzer tells it like it is. There is power in the process and through it all, she has written a very heartfelt, helpful book that will not only strengthen you but give you tools to reach out and help others. 

Kathy Vallotton
Senior Leadership Team – Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry

For anyone who knows there are forces in this world beyond our sight, anyone fighting for the hearts and souls of their children, anyone who needs hope when there is none to grasp, this is a must-read book. With raw vulnerability and penetrating spiritual insight, Kristen Smeltzer tells a true story of her son that will go deep into your heart, soul, and spirit.

James L. Rubart
Bestselling Author of The Long Journey to Jake Palmer
2017 Carol Award Winner and
2016 Christy Award  Book of the Year

We believe that God has given Kristen a timely depth of insight into a spiritual struggle that is so deceptive that the number of those taken captive by it seems to be exponential and spreading like wildfire by the day. Each one of us, I’m sure, has been affected in some way, either by our own experience with “identity theft” or by that of a loved one. With Kristen’s story comes understanding and direction to help us through the process and fight for the victory that Jesus died for us to have. With that said, no matter where you are at in your walk with God, this is a must read for every believer, because it is crucial that the very foundation of our life should be knowing who God is and who He says we are. 

Stuart and Sharon Young
YWAM Honolulu Director of Training, 1984-1992

Kristen Smeltzer has written a riveting personal story of contending for identity in God—a mother’s account of her son’s spiritual torment and the “sifting” that God allows as preparation for greater Kingdom realms. A must read!

Susan D. Hill
Author of Closer Than Your Skin: Unwrapping the Mystery of Intimacy With God


Kristen Smeltzer has been a friend for thirty years, and she did well at raising her boys. She didn’t expect to find herself in a battle for one son’s destiny, but then, millions of parents have found themselves facing the same battle. Spiritual forces are hard at work in our culture to misidentify both God and our children. Kristen’s gripping story confronts us with the spiritual nature of the battle we face, while giving us practical, biblical strategies that work. It’s a hopeful, encouraging story and a must read for parents.

Bill Dwyer
Senior Pastor, The Valley Vineyard, Reseda, CA


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